
Hi! you have come to my blogg page which is all about Iraq. Here you will be able to see current events and much more! I hope you enjoy my page and find it very useful!



Many countrys are full of history but this countrys history is somewhat differant from others! Iraq has been known as  Mesopatamia Since the early times!  A  advanced country that has been here in this area since 4000 B.C, it became the center of Babylonian and Assrian empires. Later on in 538 B.C it was taken over by Cyrus the Great Persian and  Alexander in 331 B.C. Then an Arabian took over in 637-640 B.C,Bagdad became the capital of the longlived. The country was attacked by Mongolians and war started in 1258. Also during the 16th,17th,and,18th centuries was the main idea of Turkish and Persian compatition.